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Music Broadcasting Society of Victoria Ltd (3MBS FM)

3MBS 103.5FM General Appeal

Your support matters…

3MBS is Melbourne's own independent fine music station broadcasting 24 hours a day without the security of government funding.

Listener support keeps 3MBS  strong, independent and relevant.

Thousands of listeners each day tune to 103.5FM, 3MBS Digital or listen online. Over 200 dedicated volunteers give their time from administration to recording and on air presentation to ensure consistent, quality programs that range from signature Concert Hall to specialist programs presented by experts in early music, opera, musical theatre, organ and choral music, jazz, new music, brass, and more.

3MBS records and broadcasts more local fine music than any other broadcaster in the country and delivers a unique range of education and public service programs that touch the lives of Melbourne's musicians and music lovers.

Every contribution to 3MBS helps support the station that supports fine music in Melbourne
  • $50 pays for an upgrade to one computer so volunteers can work more effectively

  • $200 will buy one new set of studio headphones for presenters & guest
  • $500 will go towards new ergonomic chairs in our studios so our presenters are comfortable throughout their broadcast shift

  • $1,035 will purchase a Tascam 6010 CD player for one of our studios
  • $5,000 buys a new modern studio broadcasting console to help our volunteers present a better quality of radio for our listeners.
All contributions are fully tax deductible.
For more information visit

Unless you choose to remain anonymous (note this in 'special message' on the payment page), donations $500 and above are acknowledged for a year in the monthly On Air subscriber guide.

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Contact Details

St Euphrasia, 1 St Heliers Street The Abbotsford Convent

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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