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Blue Knot Foundation

Blue Knot Foundation Appeal

Blue Knot Foundation is the leading national organisation working to improve the lives of adult Australians who have experienced childhood trauma.

Childhood trauma affects the lives of 1 in 4 adult Australians (five million) and includes people who have experienced child abuse in all its forms, neglect, domestic violence in childhood and other adverse childhood events - complex trauma. 

Many struggle day to day with their self-esteem, relationships, mental and physical health and numerous aspects of everyday life. Trauma in childhood does not only affect those who have experienced it. It affects their family, including their children and their communities.

Research has established that when survivors receive the right help, even people who have experienced severe early trauma can recover. And when parents have worked through their trauma their children do better too.

Blue Knot Foundation provides that help through short-term phone counselling support, information, resources, tools and workshops for survivors and their friends, families, partners and loved ones. We also provide professional development training, supervision, consultancy and other services to practitioners, organisations and diverse personnel who work with survivors, across sectors. Once a year, as a community, we celebrate our national awareness day, Blue Knot Day. On the last Monday in October, Australia unites to raise awareness and support for Australian adult survivors. 

Donate now and help us to help Australian adult survivors of childhood trauma recover.

Here is how your donation makes a difference:

  • $25 = Fund 5 Blue Knot pins 
  • $50 = Publish 20 Breaking free newsletters
  • $100 = Maintain Blue Knot Foundation's online services for 1 day 
  • $150 = provide 1 hour of trauma phone counselling on the Blue Knot Helpline
  • $250 = Sponsor a survivor to attend Blue Knot Foundation's survivor workshop
  • $500 = Support a day's development of Blue Knot Foundation's programs

Or become a regular giver and help provide us with a sustainable source of funds. Together we can help untangle the knot of childhood trauma. 

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L 1 1 James Pl

(02) 8920 3611

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