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Australia's CEO Challenge

Ending Domestic Violence

Australia's CEO Challenge works with corporate Australia to address domestic and family violence because people affected by or who use violence are the same people employed in our workplaces; they are our co-workers and employees.

Together with Australian businesses, we're working for world where families, in all their diversity, are places of safety and love for all members, from the littlest to the elders. We do this by:
  • Creating partnerships between businesses and refuges so that women and children fleeing violent homes get the safety and support they need, and
  • Delivering education and training so that CEO¹s and their people are skilled to recognise and respond to the signs of domestic and family violence inthe workplace.

We know that 1 in 3 women are affected by violence, and that 60% are also employed. We know it's affecting their work - and that they lose their jobs because of this. The impact is devastating. And we also know that workplaces can learn how to offer support - to end Australia's silent pandemic of violence in the home.

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Level 22 Waterford Place 1 Eagle St

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