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Australian Heart Ministries

Australian Heart Ministries Appeal

Australian Heart Ministries is a Christian charity whose main goal is to share the good news of God's love through Jesus Christ and make a difference in the world.

The purpose of Australian Heart Ministries is to relieve the spiritual, emotional and physical poverty of children and their mothers and fathers both in Australia and around the world.

The founders of Australian Heart Ministries were among the first on the ground in Chennai, India to offer funds and emotional support to the families of a church that had lost members and children to the Boxing Day Tsunami on 26th December 2004. They have a long history of working among the poor and needy.

Australian Heart Ministries also has a strong commitment to the restoration of Christian values in Australia, supporting and encouraging 24-7 worship and prayer, help with aid and training for Africa, supporting Christians in China, both practically and spiritually as well as assisting many other church based missions, both in Australia and overseas.

Your donation to this appeal will help us to continue to share the good news of God's love with people in Australia and worldwide, promote Christian values and help with the many practical initiatives to assist those afflicted by poverty and hopelessness.







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A1/227 Cordeaux Rd


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