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Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation

Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation General Appeal

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Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation (KBHAC) was established by survivors of Kinchela Aboriginal Boys Training Home (KBH), a ‘home” run by the NSW Government for almost 50 years to house Aboriginal boys forcibly removed from their families.

KBHAC has developed a unique survivor led approach to its governance and healing described as:

Survivor led – an approach to organisational governance and practice built on and informed by the guidance and unique insights of survivors and which, contributes to the social and emotional wellbeing of survivors, their communities, and cultures. The KBH survivors and KBHAC own their stories and healing, leading from a place of self-determination.

KBHAC's mission is to improve the social, emotional, cultural and spiritual wellbeing of the KBH survivors and their families in a meaningful way. This takes a strength-based focus on healing persistent grief, trauma and multigenerational trauma as experienced by each KBH survivor and his family.

Our work is committed to empowering, positive, healthy peer support models that enable greater social inclusion in community life. These models address the rebuilding and strengthening of identity and family structures.

Survivor truth telling is what guides our work. 

What is truth telling?

Truth telling is education that supports healing for individuals and intergenerational healing for families and communities. The KBH Survivors (‘Uncles’) are active in the healing of country with their ‘Unlocking our Past to free Our Future’ Mobile Education Centre experience. This experience connects them back to the communities they and other Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from under the policies that created the Stolen Generations.

The transformation of the former Kinchela Boys Home site is an extension of the education work KBHAC already does. This vision for the site's future both acknowledges the pain it holds and the KBH Survivors' vision for healing into the future. It will become a national site of truth telling and healing for all Australians to experience. It is only at this site that what happened there can truly be understood. By making visible what happened there and transforming it into a national site of truth telling and healing, they are helping us heal the legacies of the Stolen Generations and to make sure this never happens again to any child. 

Your support of the Uncles and KBHAC's work provides an opportunity for you to help stop the pain that continues to be felt across this country, ensuring this history can never be repeated, and allowing lasting multigenerational healing to start.


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139-141 Morehead Street


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