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Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of Victoria Incorporated

15 for 15 Challenge

Recent Donations

Croydon Football Club Inc


24 days ago

Fred Wintle


24 days ago

Anthony Flynn


26 days ago

Simone Krousoratis


30 days ago

Goldfields American Motorcycle Club


31 days ago

Lorraine Trigg


33 days ago

Leanne Andrew


36 days ago

Stephen Dobson


36 days ago

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare and complex, genetic disorder that affects Chromosome 15. So, we named our fundraising effort, the 15 for 15 Challenge.

One of the more common characteristics of PWS is the development of an insatiable hunger around the age of 2 that lasts a lifetime. Imagine a hunger that can never be satisfied and the emotional state you find yourself in when ‘hangry.’ Feelings of anxiety, exhaustion, anger, frustration and stress plague your body and mind, and your focus on food is heightened. Now imagine trying to participate in everyday life, living with these feelings every minute of every day. This is an incredibly challenging state to live in daily.

We invite you to join the 15 for 15 Challenge and help raise as much money as we can to help support those living with this often debilitating syndrome.—Together, we can kick goals for Prader-Willi syndrome.

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PO Box 92
KEW VIC, 3101


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