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Disability Discrimination Legal Service

Disability Discrimination Legal Service

Despite living in a wealthy developed country, Australians with disabilities experience extremely high rates of discrimination, abuse and neglect. That's why we provide free legal services to those experiencing harm. We also work to improve conditions for all people with disabilities through community legal education and law and policy reform. 

In the face of limited government funding, we need your support to expand our work, especially in the key areas of education and employment. Despite numerous parliamentary inquiries and government bodies uncovering widespread abuse and neglect, not enough has been done to improve matters. But we know that continual advocacy and litigation creates pressure for better protections. Every dollar you donate helps us to achieve this goal. 

DDLS is  an independent, nonprofit community organisation Many people with disabilities, volunteers and students contribute their efforts to our work

Contact Details

2nd Floor 247-251 Flinders Lane

(03) 9654-8644

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