CISVic is committed to advocating on issues affecting community members and people seeking assistance at member agencies.

We collaborate with and empower our members to campaign for change, and to provide input into government policy and decision making that better responds to the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged people and those struggling to make ends meet.

In consultation with its members, and the Advocacy Working Group it convenes, CISVic identifies key public policy issues that impact on individuals, families and communities.

Advocacy priorities, campaigns and activities are reviewed each year with reference to the areas of highest need as presenting to agencies, and  the timelines of key decision makers where influence can be wielded, such as government Inquiries, budgets and elections.

CISVic also regularly works with other not-for-profit community organisations, and peak and advocacy bodies, to strengthen its voice on issues that adversely affect our communities.


Coordination Funding for Every CISVic Member Agency

CISVic member services are largely delivered by volunteers, with almost a third being entirely volunteer-run. To expand our reach and provide much-needed support to the most vulnerable people in our community, CISVic’s volunteers need the critical operational and professional support of a paid coordinator to ensure they can take on the challenges of assisting people in hardship. A paid coordinator in every CISVic member agency will mean that children will not go hungry, lights and heating can stay on, and people doing it tough will be guided to options that can help. To do this, we are seeking recurrent state government funding of $5.5 million annually.

Increasing Federal Government Welfare Payments

Every day, our member agencies assist people who are in financial hardship. Many of them are recipients of Centrelink payments, which have not kept pace with daily living costs. They are struggling to meet the most basic needs – to put food on the table, and pay rent and household bills. Alongside ACOSS with its campaign ‘Raise the Rate’ and other advocates, we are calling on the Federal Government to increase Centrelink payments to reduce poverty and inequality.

A Home for Everyone

Homelessness is a serious problem affecting many people in our community. Our sector works hard to assist people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, but the demand is much greater than the supply and there are just not enough affordable properties for everyone. We need more social and affordable rental homes to address the escalating crisis, particularly government built and managed public housing. We need to ensure that everyone has a home that is a safe and stable base. CISVic supports the national Everybody’s Home campaign which aims to fix the housing crisis.

Fair and Equitable Education 

All children have the right to a good education and currently, schooling is not affordable for many students. CISVic members provide a range of supports to assist families with school costs, but demand is high. Students are missing out, and this has ongoing and negative effects and engenders a cycle of poverty. Governments must ensure that public education is affordable and accessible to all so that every child can reach their potential.

Better Dental Health 

In Australia, poor oral health remains one of the strongest indicators of inequality. It contributes to poor well-being and general health. The demand for public dental care exceeds the capacity of the system by far, with people waiting more than two years to receive basic care. We need increasing social investment and a sustainable model which will ensure people have access to timely dental care. CISVic is part of the Victorian Oral Health Alliance (VOHA) which is committed to improving Victorians’ oral health and access to dental care for everyone.

Affordable Energy

Energy costs are soaring and people are struggling to ‘keep the lights on’. Our member agencies are constantly supporting people who are experiencing energy hardship for a range of reasons – high bill costs, energy-inefficient housing and appliances, low income and unforeseen financial hardship. A range of ongoing strategies is required to address these issues.


Better Support for People Experiencing Family Violence

CISVic and its member agencies have identified Family Violence as a pressing issue experienced by many people, mainly women, seeking assistance. We have been working closely with Safe and Equal, the peak body for specialist family violence services in Victoria, to improve resources for agencies, and to carry out research that can inform our ongoing advocacy.

Material Support for Asylum Seekers

Many CISVic member agencies have identified a gap in material assistance for asylum seekers, particularly those not eligible for government payments and services and/or who are not permitted to work. For this reason, CISVic played a key role in re-convening the NASAVic Emergency Relief Working Group, which shares information and improves the support provided for refugees and asylum seekers.




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1134 Glen Huntly Rd


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CISVic acknowledges the traditional owners of the land and pays our respects to their Elders, past, present and future. We acknowledge that land was never ceded and hope we can work together for a treaty and reconciliation.

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