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Australian Institute of International Affairs

AIIA Qld Scholarships

The Australian Institute of International Affairs Queensland offers two scholarships each year to encourage and support students of Queensland universities to undertake educational activity overseas. Each is worth $2500.

The AIIA Qld Asia Pacific Scholarship was established in 2015 as part of the AIIA's mission of promoting interest in and understanding of international affairs. It helps students to further their studies in the Asia Pacific region.

This year, we are proud to to unveil the AIIA Qld International Scholarship to support further study around the globe.

The scholarships are funded through donations from AIIA Qld members and supporters. Thanks to a generous donor, this year's scholarships are fully funded. Further donations will go towards next year's program.

A number of outstanding Queensland students have benefited from AIIA Qld Asia Pacific Scholarships. In 2015, we were able to award a $2000 scholarship to Jordana Colvin from Griffith University to assist studies in Japan. In 2016, Elizabeth Dowrie, also of Griffith University, travelled to China for further study

While donations over $A500 qualify donors to be recognised as an official Friend of the AIIA,all donations are gratefully received and are tax deductable.A receipt is provided to donors before the end of the financial year for tax purposes. If donations are adequate more than one scholarship will be awarded.

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