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Alola Timor-Leste Relief and Development Fund

Alola Australia Appeal

To provide funds to Fundasaun Alola, an organization registered in Timor-Leste to enable women and families in Timor-Leste to build a strong future fulfilling our vision of "Feto Forte - Nasaun Forte" "Strong Women - Strong Nation".

How will the funds be used?

Working with community groups and individuals, our programs aim to improve maternal and child health, create employment, promote human rights, strengthen community development, and improve the status of women. Now employing over 100 staff in Timor-Leste, Alola is committed to developing strong women who will be the leaders of the future in Timor-Leste.

Key Areas of Expenditure

Maternal and Child Health
Economic & Community development

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Contact Details

PO Box 382

0437 983 070

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