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Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association

Support AMSWAG volunteer sex worker advisory group!

The Asian Migrant Sex Worker Advisory Group (AMSWAG) provides leadership and advice to Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association. The group is unfunded, all members are volunteers, and all members are Asian migrant sex workers.

Scarlet Alliance’s Migration Project was conducted with the guidance of regular steering committee meetings with sex workers from Chinese, Korean and Thai language backgrounds, as these are the languages most commonly used in the migrant sex worker community. This funded project delivered resources, research and advocacy for migrant sex workers until it was defunded in 2017. The steering committee members then become the Asian Migrant Sex Worker Advisory Group (AMSWAG) with the intention to further develop and expand the existing resource and service delivery to CALD background and migrant sex workers. 

The AMSWAG meets as regularly as possible to provide expert advice and representation within Scarlet Alliance and actively works towards guaranteeing the rights of all migrant sex workers.

100% of donations go directly to AMSWAG volunteer sex worker advisory group!

Image: Asian Migrant Sex Worker Advisory Group presenting a panel at Scarlet Alliance National Forum 2018.


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203/1 Erskineville Road


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Scarlet Alliance is located on the unceded land of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. We recognise so-called Australia is a country built upon Aboriginal land, we pay our respect to the elders and custodians of this land, current, past and future, and stand in solidarity with the struggles of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We are a proud member of the Anwernekenhe National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HIV/AIDS Alliance (ANA).

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