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Beechworth to Bridge

B2B 2024

Recent Donations

Myrtleford P12 College Staff


70 days ago

Carol Magennis


125 days ago

mark quirk


127 days ago



131 days ago

Dot Jones


136 days ago

Jo Westra


142 days ago

Leanne Webb


143 days ago

Tanya Cardamone


143 days ago

B2B 2024 is a 73km walk event over 3 days on the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail from Beechworth to Everton, Everton to Myrtleford, and Myrtleford to Bright via Porepunkah. 

We walk to connect people with lived experience of suicide, mental illness and survival. Donate in solidarity for survivors of mental illness and suicide.

​B2B walkers might walk in silent remembrance, or fall into step with another  survivor and find strength in supporting each other. Hard chats are a little easier when walking shoulder to shoulder.

Each donation helps to ensure the B2B24 walk and future B2B events are the best they can be. 


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