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Babymum Australia Inc

Teenage Mums

We area a team of volunteers who are passionate about changing our community through supporting teenage mums with their babies.

They are looking for love and acceptance, and a caring place to belong.

So we provide the place, and the people with the caring hearts.

  • Supporting them with mentoring, home visits, group support.
  • Giving practical life-skills training such as 'how to play with your child', managing your money, and cooking and nutrition.
  • Running an education hub for those who want coaching with ongoing study.
  • Celebrating with them and helping them bond with their baby, through photography.
  • Having pop-up short-term groups as requested on things such as sewing, cooking
  • Holding a drop in centre which just buzzes with mums, babies, grannies, strollers, toys, music, food, and fun.

We are a registered Charity, and endorsed deductible gift recipient. We receive no Government funding, but entirely raise our own funds to continue doing what we do. We pay no wages, and all funds go towards supporting our babymums.

The need is great, with the percentage of teenage pregnancies continuing to rise. So often these young mums are not only battling with difficult home situations, but also coming up against public disapproval. Too often they are not welcomed and their children not celebrated.

We are 'building a present for the future'.

This is an opportunity to make a difference -now, and into future generations.

Contact Details

PO Box 7558

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