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Befriend Inc

Social Network

At Befriend, we're includers. We live by that thing your Mum always told you; treat others how you'd like to be treated. We believe fostering a culture of inclusion can bring everyone together - and that's what we're creating.

Befriend is a Perth based not-for-profit organisation run by a group of passionate local people who are determined to break down social barriers and prejudices in our community, and grow a more inclusive, connected, harmonious society for all. We're a community of more than 5,500 people in Perth from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life.

What do WE do?

The Befriend Social Network makes it easy for people to get connected. We host social gatherings, events, workshops and short-courses to bring together people from all backgrounds and walks of life to share experiences together. From these experiences, people form new connections and friendships, but also learn more about diversity, to value and appreciate the people who live in our local community, and grow a more tolerant, inclusive society without prejudice. Find out more at

What can YOU do?

Your donation allows us to run our Social Network, to reach out to people who are isolated and lonely, and create opportunities for them to meet new people, improve their confidence, self-esteem, friendships and networks. It doesn't take much - $50 a year funds access to our Social Program for 1 person. Thank you for your support and generosity.

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Contact Details

Level 3 / 256 Adelaide Terrace
PERTH WA, 6000

(04) 0483 1201

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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