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Jane Valpied


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Ballarat is a strong community, and the BMI exemplifies the independent and determined spirit that has seen our regional city grow and prosper.

The Ballaarat Mechanics Institute is celebrating its 165th birthday this year. This in itself is a remarkable achievement for a community-based organisation, without any recurrent government funding.

Mechanics’ Institutes were created out of the need to provide further learning and social opportunities for anyone in community who may not have been receiving a classical tertiary education. This need was recognised in the 1700s in the UK, and the movement soon spread to Australia, to the point where most towns had a Mechanics’ Institute filled with books and other programming.

The Mechanics’ Institutes contained knowledge through access to books, lectures, talks, newspapers, but most importantly they strengthened communities through education, non-secular and apolitical fellowship and invited people to be members or supporters of a respected organisation.

We are asking you to make a tax deductible donation to the BMI 2024 Appeal to enable us to of the continue our tradition and mission of supporting the betterment of the wider community, through action and genuine desire for our collective and positive future.

Your support will allow us to maintain our heritage building and historic book and photograph collections whilst we continue to provide live music, entertainment, lectures and room hire for the benefit of the Ballarat community and visitors to our historic township.

Contact Details

117-119 Sturt Street


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