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Byron Writers Festival

Byron Writers Festival

Thank you for your support! By donating to Byron Writers Festival, you are helping to inspire, connect and delight storylovers and storytellers across Australia, and nurturing the next generation of readers and writers. Your role as a supporter plays a vital part in securing the future of the arts in regional NSW. 

Your donation will:

  • Enable us to bring the most significant national and international writers and thinkers to the annual Festival.
  • Fund the professional development of emerging regional writers through our Residential Mentorship program.
  • Bring together local writers and industry professionals through our year-round workshop and mentoring programs.
  • Subsidise Festival tickets for young and disadvantaged people.

You can make a one-off gift, or choose to give regularly and pay by instalment. If you would like to do this, please select the 'regular donation' option.

If you would like to discuss your gift or payment method with a member of staff, please contact Aarna Hudson on 02 6685 5115


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Contact Details

2/58 Centennial Circuit

(02) 6685 5115

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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