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Carbon Positive Australia

Carbon Positive Australia

Carbon Positive Australia is a not-for-profit tree-planting charity! The charity that plants native trees to restore Australia's biodiversity and take action on climate change!

At Carbon Positive Australia, we develop and implement environmental restoration projects. That means we’re on the ground planting native trees—and working with our partners to:

  • Restore healthy ecosystems
  • Boost Australian conservation and restoration
  • Empower you to measure and reduce your carbon footprint
  • Build capacity for tree-planting projects

We are a grassroots organisation with over 20 years of experience, we’re experts in revegetation, reforestation, carbon measurement, carbon education, and environmental planting.

With your support, we can continue to plant more Australian native tree planting projects, which contribute to the global effort to mitigate climate change. 

We offer an award-winning free online carbon calculator for households, individuals, and small businesses. To help you understand your impact and take action for a healthy climate, use our free carbon footprint calculator here 

For a detailed overview of our progress so far and to discover the impact of your donations, we invite you to read our 2024 Mid-Year Review:

Restore nature with us! 


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Contact Details

Suite C001A Mosman Park Shopping Centre, 50 Harvey St, Mosman Park, 6012 WA

(08) 9200 2981

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

I acknowledge and deeply respect the Whadjuk Noongar as the sovereign people and traditional custodians of the land where I live and work, and that sovereignty has never been ceded. I pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging. Always was and always will be Aboriginal land.

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