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Children By Choice

Children by Choice

Children by Choice provides counselling, information and education services on all pregnancy options, including abortion, adoption and parenting.  

We provide a free Queensland-wide counselling, information and referral service to pregnant people, deliver sexual and reproductive health education sessions in schools and youth centres, and offer training for GPs and other health and community professionals on pregnancy options, reproductive coercion and post abortion counselling - across Australia.  

We also advocate for improvements to law and policy that would increase access to reproductive health services and information in Australia. We are recognised nationally and internationally as a key advocacy group for reproductive and sexual health. Our vision is that people can freely make their own reproductive and sexual health choices without barriers. 

Funds go toward supporting our unfunded work, providing access to abortion and contraception and advocacting for improvements to abortion access across Australia.

Our Annual Reports and Strategic Plan are available on our website 

Contact Details

Suite 3B Level 3, 49 Sherwood Road


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