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Communities Assist Australia

Communities Assist

Here at Communities Assist, we're driven by a vision to transform lives and communities in need. With that vision in mind, we've made it our mission to improve the welfare of vulnerable children and families by empowering local communities in the practice of sustainable living.

Communities Assist's vision, mission and methodology come together at Rainbow Ridge in the small community of Maili Sita, near Moshi in Tanzania. Rainbow Ridge is not only our demonstration site from which we teach and implement sustainable practices, but it is also the home for the Kili Kids orphans.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, the AIDS epidemic has created 13 million orphans. At Communities Assist, we work with local communities so they're better equipped to care for their own and other vulnerable children.

Working with key local partners and experts from Australia and abroad, we teach and facilitate the development of sustainable methods, knowledge, and skills in local communities to improve family welfare to better address the outfall of poverty and this tragic epidemic.

It is only through listening to, working and collaborating with the local community that we can hope to be the seed for change. We're all about implementing cooperative systems that suit communities' social, environmental and economic conditions - systems that can be maintained long term and that will improve productivity, economies and welfare so communities can build better futures for their children.

The provision of accredited education in permaculture design and sustainability from an appropriately resourced sustainability education centre at Rainbow Ridge is pivotal to ongoing support for the local community to achieve this objective.

We have a number of projects underway, and we need your help to implement them. Please donate now and support our wonderful work.

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8 McNamara St

(02) 6362 9436

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