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Darebin Creek Management Committee

Darebin Creek EOFY Fundraiser

Welcome to the Darebin Creek and Parklands EOFY Fundraiser!

As we approach the end of the financial year, we invite you to join us ito make a lasting impact on the health and vitality of Darebin Creek, its Parklands and surrounding ecosystems. 

Now more than ever, the Darebin Creek environment needs your help. 

The Creek has suffered from years of land clearing and biodiversity loss, encroaching development, dumping, pollution and neglect. The Darebin Creek Management Committee has been working tirelessly for decades to reverse these impacts and can see the impact of this work. The Darebin Creek and Parklands now supports biodiversity, provide natural spaces and helps us adapt to climate change. 

But without continued effort, we can easily lose the gains we have made.

And for this we need your support. Without it, our mission of preserving and restoring this natural treasure for generations to come is at risk.

Why Donate to the Darebin Creek Management Committee?

DCMC, a not-for-profit organisation supported by our members and hundreds of volunteers, has proven that with dedication, support and a long-term vision, we can bring back our waterways and parklands for all to enjoy. We do this by - 

Protecting our Natural Landscapes: Darebin Creek is more than just a waterway, it’s a vital ecosystem that supports a diverse range of flora and fauna. Your donation helps us protect this precious natural habitat and the wildlife it supports through restoration and habitat management activities.

Improving Water Quality: Clean water is essential for the health of our community and environment. With your support, we can continue to monitor and improve water quality in Darebin Creek and its surrounds through on ground works and advocacy where it’s needed.

Enhancing Recreation Opportunities: Darebin Creek and the Darebin Parklands provide valuable recreational community opportunities for locals and visitors alike. Your donation helps us maintain and enhance facilities such as walking trails, and supports activities to bring the community out to enjoy the natural spaces.

Community Engagement and Education: We believe in the power of education and community engagement to drive positive change. Your donation supports educational programs, bushkinder, workshops, and events that raise awareness about environmental conservation and sustainability, and provide opportunities for people to get hands-on into nature.

Monitoring the health of the Creek: We know our work makes a difference as we monitor the impact we make. Through citizen science, academic research and quality assessment, we are understanding what works, what is changing and take action on urgent issues such as pollution entering the Creek. Your donation supports us to monitor and learn what works best and share this knowledge with others.

With your help, we can continue this vital work. Become a Darebin Creek supporter today to show how much you care for our beautiful Darebin Creek and Parklands!


DCMC is a registered charity, with all donations over $2 tax deductible.


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P O Box 5093


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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

The Darebin Creek Management Committee acknowledges the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung as the Traditional Custodians of the Darebin Creek, its land and tributaries. The knowledge of the Wurundjeri has protected the Darebin Creek for tens of thousands of years. We pay tribute to elders, past present and emerging and extend this respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. If you care and respect Darebin Creek Country it will care for you.

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