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Dart Centre Asia Pacific

Dart Centre Asia Pacific

Dramatic changes in the news industry combined with these acutely volatile times worldwide make Dart Centre Asia Pacific (DCAP) more important than ever. What is DCAP?

DCAP, a project of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, is dedicated to informed, innovative and ethical news reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy. Whether the topic is street crime, family violence, natural disaster, war or human rights, effective news reporting on traumatic events demands knowledge, skill and support. With an office in Melbourne, Australia, DCAP provides journalists in the Asia Pacific region with the resources necessary to meet this challenge, drawing on a global, interdisciplinary network of news professionals, mental health experts, educators and researchers.

What your funds will be used for?

Your contribution makes a difference. It enables us to nurture informed, innovative and ethical news reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy worldwide. It allows us to train and support journalists undertaking the most difficult assignments while enduring unprecedented levels of stress. It helps us to foster trauma-aware newsrooms that are better equipped to represent the impact of trauma on victims and survivors, news professionals and media consumers. It inspires us to foster much-needed culture change in the news industry. Recently DCAP held a training workshop to report ethically on the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse as well as a training program in Bangkok for journalists across the Asia Pacific on mental health effects of trauma and ethical reporting of violence and disaster. DCAP relies on funding from donations and grants, and we raise all our own funding.  We need your support to continue our valuable work.

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Level 3 / 161 Barry St

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