Will you help Diaspora Action Australia strengthen multicultural voices?

Refugees and migrants in Australia are tackling some of the world's most pressing problems. They are shining a light on hidden human rights violations, building schools and medical clinics in villages out of reach of international agencies, and helping people flee danger. Almost everyone sends much-needed money to families living in conflicts around the world or seeking safety in refugee camps.

Diaspora Action Australia (DAA) is the only organisation in Australia that specialises in helping diaspora communities promote positive change in a tumultuous world. It's a big ambition, but it's one that has inspired hundreds of people over the years.

DAA works behind the scenes to help diaspora communities so they can do great work.

DAA hosts first-ever conference on the work of diasporas

  • In September, 2016, DAA was the driving force behind Australia's first-ever conference on diasporas' role in peacebuilding, development and humanitarian response. Diaspora organisations and communities talked about their groundbreaking work, alongside international speakers, aid agencies, researchers and government representatives, including the Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells.
  • In the words of one participant from a diaspora community: "This conference really reinforced how important it is for diaspora communities to network with a variety of other organisations. We have to really learn what each other is doing in order for us to become more effective."

Over the past 12 months DAA:

  • Supported the Oromia Support Group Australia, who was granted consultative status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, which means the organisation can directly report to different UN bodies as an official source of information on human rights abuses in Ethiopia. OSGA is the only Oromo diaspora organisation in the world to have this status.
  • Worked with the Australian Hazara Women's Friendship Network to build skills in advocacy, communications, public speaking, human rights and democracy.
  • Contributed to the establishment of the Diaspora Learning Network, which convened the Diasporas in Action conference and continues to promote learning and collaboration.
  • Convened a round-table meeting between South Sudanese women and representatives from African Union, wherein they discussed women's perspectives on peace in South Sudan and harmony among communities in Australia.
  • Ran 16 training workshops in 2016 on subjects such as advocacy, communications, organsiational development, project management and grant wrting. These were attended by 128 members of 36 diaspora organsiations and communities.

Whatever contribution you are able to make today, we thank you for all your support of Diaspora Action Australia. This organisation has grown because of people like you, who have seen the remarkable energy and potential of diaspora communities in Australia to create positive change here and internationally.

Help us reach our goal of $5,000 with your tax-deductible donation

A small monthly donation: huge impact

I'm asking if you can join us with a monthly donation of $20. This regular contribution will make an extraordinary difference to a small organisation like us: in just one year, your support could have helped a diaspora partner build a website, write letters to a Member of Parliament, plan a human rights campaign or organise an event.

A single donation: multiple uses

If you are not in a position to contribute to us monthly, please consider a single donation of $50, or an amount that suits you. A single gift of $50 could partially fund a customised workshop, allowing diaspora organisations to build skills, such as in social media, advocacy and human rights campaigning or to implement projects overseas.

Once your donation is approved, your tax receipt will be emailed directly.

Make your donation before 30 June, 2017, to claim the tax deduction benefit in your tax return for 2016.


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Level 4, Ross House 247 Flinders Lane

(03) 8592 7694

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