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Dogs4Jobs Ltd

Saving Working Dogs

Every week we have multiple dogs who are in need of our help and our service. 

Some weeks we have up to 30 new dogs coming into the care of our wonderful Working Dog Warriors. 

The costs to get a dog into care can be anywhere from $50-$500 via commercial transport options, from remote locations, to where we have an available and suitable spot in foster carer for them. 

Then we have the routine vetting costs of each and every dog and pup; vet check, microchip, 1-3 vaccinations, desexing, worm/flea/tick treatments, quality food and supplies their carer needs to care for them. 

Any non-routine vet costs associated with taking in unwanted and dumped dogs, such as injuries and illness, often the reason they find themselves being rehomed; these costs are worn by us as well. 

This is why your donations are such a big part of us being able to continue our vital work. We thank you for your ongoing support and couldn't keep doing this without out. 


Thank you,

Team D4J Working Dog Warriors.



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