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Safe and Equal

Safe and Equal - Standing strong against family violence

Safe and Equal is the peak body for specialist family violence services that provide support to victim survivors in Victoria. We are an independent, non-government organisation that leads, organises, advocates for, and acts on behalf of our members – with a focus across the continuum from primary prevention through to response and recovery.

We work towards a world beyond family and gender-based violence, where women, children and all people from marginalised communities are safe, thriving and respected.

We have a membership of around 50 different services providing a range of help and support to women and children who have experienced family violence.

How will the funds be used?

Safe and Equal and our members share a vision for a world where women and children can live fulfilled lives, free from fear and violence. 

We advocate for change by working with our members and women who have experienced family violence. 

We partner with other organisations, conduct research projects, speak at public forums and through the media and promote innovative ideas. 

We need your help to change the world for women and children living with family violence.

You can add your voice to our campaigns or the campaigns we support.


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Contact Details

PO Box 21175 Little Lonsdale Street

(03) 8346 5200

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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