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Help keep Aboriginal Families Safe

Thank you for supporting Elizabeth Morgan House!

Your donation is valuable and will allow us to respond rapidly and flexibly to Aboriginal families experiencing family violence. 

About Elizabeth Morgan House:

Our vision is to work together with Aboriginal communities to ensure safe & culturally strong futures for our women, children & young people.

We provide culturally safe & holistic refuge accommodation and specialist family violence services to Aboriginal women and their children. 

We are also a peak body in Victoria for Aboriginal women and family violence and are proudly an Aboriginal community controlled organisation. We work in consultation with our community in all aspects of our services.

Central to our work is the aim to provide advocacy and support for the empowerment of Aboriginal women.



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PO Box 167


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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

Elizabeth Morgan House pay our respects to the traditional owners and custodians of the lands on which we work. Sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respect to our Elders, both past, present and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities. We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who fought tirelessly to create EMH, which has grown into a strong and successful Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation. We strive to honour them in our work.

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