Hide N Seek Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, committed to helping create conversations, raise awareness, and provide invaluable support and resources to caregivers of individuals experiencing an eating disorder.
Our mission is to support educators and caregivers, of individuals experiencing eating disorders, with the language, conversations, awareness & resources they need, to allow them to provide unwavering support and guidance throughout an individuals journey to recovery.
At 12 years old, Jaimee Krawitz (Founder + CEO) was diagnosed with an eating disorder. She struggled to communicate her experiences, and ultimately chose to hide away instead of seeking help. After feeling disconnected from peers, speaking out became the turning point in her journey, leading her to understanding the importance of communication in recovery.
Therefore, Hide N Seek Foundation evolved from a need to speak out about Jaimee’s personal experience into a desire to help others navigate the narratives of their own journey. Everyone’s story is different, but language plays a significant role in the healing process. Building up the courage to transition, from hiding to seeking, help put Jaimee on the path to recovery.
What is the problem?
Eating disorders are the fastest growing mental health issue in adolescence in Australia.
Did you know?
- 75% of young people with eating disorders do not seek professional help.
- Eating disorders, when combined with disordered eating, are estimated to affect 16.3% of the Australian population (Hay et al., 2015).
- 67% of people with eating disorders in Australia are females and 33% males (Deloitte Access Economics, 2024, p.28).
How will your donated funds be used?
We support the educators and caregivers. Educators and caregivers are powerful advocates for positive change in the lives of young people affected by eating disorders. By bridging the gap and creating consistent language between school and home, we can make a significant difference in early detection, support, and recovery. Not only for individuals experiencing an eating disorder, but also for their families and communities.
Your funding will be used towards creating the delivery of, ‘Seek, Help, Speak’, pilot programs to schools, the provision of resources for educators and caregivers, and the creation of an passionate and experienced team.
If we can shape the conversations around eating disorders, we can profoundly improve the journey to recovery for thousands of Australians.
Join our community
When you sign up to join our community, you will receive, the “Language of Seeking Help”, our resource ebook, straight to your inbox. This resource is tailored to empowering caregivers of individuals experiencing an eating disorder, to provide essential insights, practical advice and the knowledge one needs to effectively support their loved ones.
Hide N Seek’s inspiration and dedication in compiling this ebook is to help individuals, parents and caregivers supporting a child or young person experiencing an eating disorder, to learn how best to communicate with their loved ones and find the best ways to support them.
If you want to get in touch with us and are intrigued to learning more about our programs and what we do, please email us via our website or at hello@hidenseekfoundation.org.
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