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Housing All Australians Ltd

Housing All Australians

We’re bringing a private sector voice and commercial lens, to help address Australia’s chronic shortage of low income affordable housing. This is unlike any other charity in the affordable housing space in Australia.

Housing All Australians was established in 2019 and is 100% volunteer run.  We believe the provision of housing for all Australians is fundamental economic infrastructure upon which to build a successful and prosperous economy.

Our projects include Pop Up Shelters; vacant buildings awaiting redevelopment that we repurpose as temporary housing for those facing homelessness. We do this primarily through the donation of goods and services from the private sector.   

Australia’s chronic shortage of affordable social and public housing is set to create an inter-generational time bomb where the future economic costs of managing the unintended consequences of homelessness, such as mental and physical health, family violence, policing, justice and long-term welfare dependency, will explode.

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Level 4, 437 St Kilda Road

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