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Hope worldwide (Australia)

HOPE worldwide Australia- South Pacific Programs

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Eric Lam Loong Man


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Lara Tabua


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Eric Lam Loong Man


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HOPE worldwide (Australia) supports humanitarian programs in Australia and across the South Pacific as well as responding to Disaster in our region and globally through member HOPE organisations. Your donation will be assigned to the program according to the funding need. Our largest programs are located in Papua New Guinea and Fiji. 

Please consider giving regularly, even if it is a small amount. HOPE worldwide's programs rely on donations and grants. If you would like to direct your donation to a specific program, please add a comment in the 'message to organisation' box or you can leave it unrestricted and the donation will then be allocated according to need.

Our current programs:

Papua New Guinea

1. Providing essential primary health care through 5 clinics managed by HOPE worldwide PNG. These clinics treat over 90,000 people annually and require ongoing operating costs to be funded. The most remote clinic is a health post in Kalvary, Simbu provice, Central Highlands. This small clinic allows remote communities living in mountainous areas to access essential primary health care. The clinic was built in December 2022 as part of a HOPE Volunteer Corps. Another clinic, the Moroma sub-health clinic serves a population of 10,000 in Moroma, Simbu province. The clinic was set up as part of a HOPE volunteer Corps in 2016. It provides free primary health care services to the community and even caters for women delivering babies as the hospital is out of reach.

2. Support for the Mercy Care primary school which caters for 250 students. Support will cover teacher salary, training, stationery and developing a nurturing care framework to foster better health and wellbeing of students. In addition a library program 

3. Clean water for communities living in remote areas surrounded by rivers in East Sepik province and do not have access to clean drinking water. Diarrhoeal disease is common and providing water filters, installing them and education about using them for the household has been very effective in drastically reducing the rates of illness in the community.  Ongoing delivery and installation of household water filters is planned in 2024.  


1. Food aid to vulnerable families. The current food vouchure program has been very successful in preventing hunger for hundreds of families from its inception in 2021. Funds are needed to keep this going in 2024.

2. Employment opportunities, and health & wellbeing services in Fiji. Part of the health program, provides volunteer outreach to vulnerable communities to address social issues such as domestic violence and poor mental health. Partners: HOPE worldwide Fiji, Empower Pacific, Nadi Church of Christ, Suva Church of Christ. To direct support to this program

3. Supporting primary education in rural areas where schools have limited access to basic equipment and building are in a poor state requiring repair. Planned support for 2024 includes the boarding school at Nasori, the the Highlands of Fiji.

Global Reach

Global Disaster Relief. Responding to disasters including natural disasters and conflict. Partners: SPA HOPE Reps (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide), HOPE PNG, Churches of Christ Nadi and Suva (Fiji), HOPE Global Disaster Response team. To direct support to this program add comment to message box with details of specific disaster. 

Local Impact

Community support. Various programs to support vulnerable communities across Australia including Refugees, people in financial hardship and the homeless. Partners: SPA HOPE Reps (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide, Perth). To direct support to this program add comment to message box: City name

HOPE worldwide (Australia) enjoys a close relationship with the Australian congregations of the Church of Christ from whom its volunteers have traditionally been drawn. Each congregation has a 'HOPE Rep' that voluntarily coordinates service programs in their area. Congregations of the Church of Christ have also generously supported various programs over many years, especially in Papua New Guinea where there are significant ongoing needs and developed programs delivering primary healthcare and education.

If you would like more information please contact Mark Timlin at: Also details of programs can be found here

Thank you for your support! 

If you prefer to make a donation by direct bank transfer, BSB: 633-000, Acc: 150725133.

Details also on our website   


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