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Indigenous Community Television Limited

Support ICTV

ICTV is a community-based, not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee. We are registered as a Public Benevolent Institution with Deductible Gift Recipient Status (DGR). All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

By providing culturally appropriate information and entertainment, including at least 50% content in Indigenous languages, we are helping to reduce isolation, inform, and empower Indigenous Australians.

ICTV employs around 80% Indigenous staff, from the General Manager to our Young Way News cadets. Very few others in the Indigenous media space have our depth of knowledge and experience in remote communities.

While ICTV enjoys financial support from the Australian Federal Government for a significant percentage of costs to operate our distribution platforms, we need to generate at least 20% of costs through philanthropy or through minor commercial operations.

Philanthropic support and donations to ICTV assist in the following ways:

  • Ensures ICTV continues to deliver a culturally appropriate and cost-effective television and on-demand service for Indigenous Australians.
  • Supports remote contributors through equipment and training.
  • Assists in costs toward broadcast coverage of live community, such as Sports Carnivals, historic anniversaries such as the Wave Hill Walk-Off, Native Title Determinations and more.
  • Contributes towards the running of our biennial festival FRAIM (Festival of Remote Australian Indigenous Moving-Image), which includes a training program, nightly screenings and ICTV Video Awards.

Your support of ICTV will be greatly appreciated and can be made via Give Now or call our office 08 8952 3118.

Contact Details

10b Wilkinson Street

(08) 8952 3118

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