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Interweave Arts Association

Access Arts Link

The Access Arts Link is a studio program that has been offering the following services since 2006:

  1. An ongoing studio-based program staffed by practising artists who provide mentor support to people experiencing disability who wish to continue to develop their artistic skills; and
  2. An ongoing exhibitions program where work is promoted locally, nationally and internationally across a wide variety of exhibiting contexts including public institutions and commercial galleries.
In late 2013 the programme was awarded the Creative Partnerships Australia state and National Arts Access Awards for phenomenally supported over 520 artists experiencing disability between 2011-2013, in addition to employing 150 artists over this period.

Despite this and the increasing demand on this programme to continue offering its services (due to 25% of the population in Tasmania identifies as experiencing a disability) it is now in the terrible position of having to close due to cuts in Arts funding in Tasmania.

With your support we can prevent this and this valuable programme can continue encouraging the integration of people experiencing disability into the creative, artistic and social life of Tasmanian communities.

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PO Box 898

(04) 3700 3200

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