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KidsXpress Appeal

KidsXpress Appeal

1 in 7 Australian children have a mental-health issue¹ and 1 in 5 Australian children have been exposed to 3 or more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)².

These ACEs relate to neglect, abuse, loss, household dysfunction or other significant trauma.

Vulnerable children need vital early-intervention support so that the impact of these issues don’t grow with them into adulthood causing lifelong challenges.

But we can’t do this alone. We need your help to provide these services.

What can YOU do?

  • $30 = Funds vital creative resources used to support children with expressive therapy.
  • $100 = Funds instruments or therapeutic sensory equipment, used to support children who feel unsafe in the world.

Think BIG…

  • $250 = Supports a teacher with trauma education and tools so they can support the emotional well-being of hundreds of children.
  • $600 = Supports the parents and caregivers at one of our partner schools via a tailored workshop.  This is a crucial step in building a strong network and support around the child, both at home and at school.
  • $2,500* = Will open the doors for a child to be supported through our program and create a lifetime of change.

* The cost provided above is an estimate.  The true cost of therapy will vary per child as the time per session and number of sessions can only be determined once the child has been assessed.

¹ Department of Health 2015, Young Minds Matter, the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents Survey
² Olesen, S.C., McDonald, E., Raphael, B., Butterworth, P., Children’s exposure to parental and family adversities: findings from a population survey of Australians. Family Matters, 2010. 84: p. 43-52.


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Level 2, 50 Waterloo Road

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