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LINE Wangaratta Inc.

LINE Wangaratta Inc.

LINE (LGBTQIA+ In the North East) Wangaratta inc. is committed to seeing a positive, genuine change in the north east community, where LGBTQIA+ people feel respected, safe and supported, have the courage to speak-up against injustice and celebrate diversity and inclusion. LINE Wangaratta is a volunteer-led not-for-profit charity that:

  • coordinates social inclusion programs and events,
  • aims to create connection and support,
  • raises awareness in the community,
  • supports services and businesses to be LGBTQIA+ inclusive and
  • has a vision of change in the north east region. 

Please donate to LINE Wangaratta to help us continue to run fantastic events and programs such as: 

  • Trans and Gender Diverse Peer Support Program,
  • Rainbow Gala,
  • LGBTQIA+ Workshop Series,
  • Attending Pride events such as Midsumma Pride March and Wagga Mardi Gras,
  • Trans and Gender Diverse Clothing Swap, and
  • LGBTQIA+ Community of Practice.

What could your donation mean?

  • A donation of $20 helps to provide LGBTQIA+ resources to community members at local markets and community events,
  • A donation of $40 means an LGBTQIA+ person experiencing violence, homelessness or mental health issues can receive a care pack with LGBTQIA+ resources and care items,
  • A donation of $80 pays for an LGBTQIA+ community member to attend a pride event locally or in Melbourne,
  • A donation of $100 helps volunteers create education resources for mainstream organisations and community groups to become more inclusive,
  • A donation of $500 can help create a library of LGBTQIA+ books for regional people at risk of isolation.

Every donation counts and goes straight back to LGBTQIA+ people, projects to support community and helps to build the capacity of community members in a large regional area of Victoria. 


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PO BOX 4001


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