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ME/CFS South Australia Inc

ME/CFS South Australia Inc

"I am struggling to think of a cohort of people in our community that large for whom there is so little.
-Former Senator Scott Ludlam, Senate Estimates, 21 Oct 2015. 
ME/CFS* is a serious, complex and disabling neuroimmune condition that affects every system in the body, significantly reducing functional capacity. 
Around 11,000 South Australians have ME/CFS. 
Our mission 
ME/CFS South Australia’s education, research and advocacy aim to increase 
knowledge and understanding so that people with ME/CFS: 
- receive appropriate diagnosis, treatment and care. 
- experience improved quality of life. 
- receive equitable access to health, welfare, disability, education and community services. 

We rely on the generous support of individuals to enable us to raise awareness, advocate and to provide services to meet the needs of our community. 
"...patients with this illness experience a level of disability that’s equal to that of patients with late-stage AIDS, patients undergoing chemotherapy, or patients with multiple sclerosis.
-Professor Nancy Klimas MD, AIDS and ME/CFS Specialist. 
- ME/CFS affects children as young as five; peak ages of onset:10-19 and 30-39.  
- 25% are housebound or bedbound, often for years.  
- Fewer than 15% are able to work, even part-time. 
There are no officially approved medical treatments or management guidelines.  
Historically, research funding has been lacking. ME/CFS SA actively supports clinical trials and research to advance understanding of the illness.  
Your donation will make a difference in the lives of people with ME/CFS.

*Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, formerly known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. For more information on ME/CFS, please see our website.

 The impact of some of our work 

2016 - 2019 
Our advocacy led the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to commission their first ME/CFS Report, resulting in recommendations for research and clinical guidance in 2019, including millions of dollars in research funding. 

We established the ME/CFS Australia Community Facebook group, which now supports over 4,000 members. 

2003 - 2004 
We contributed to the development of the ME/CFS Guidelines for GPs in SA. Published in 2004 and based on the Canadian Consensus Criteria, they are still in use locally and elsewhere, including in translation. 

Since 1987 
Talking Point magazine has been serving local, interstate and international subscribers for over 30 years. 

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Contact Details

PO Box 322

1300 128 339

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

ME/CFS South Australia acknowledges the traditional owners throughout South Australia and we pay respect to the custodians of the land on which we live and learn. We respect their spiritual relationship with Country and acknowledge that their culture and heritage remain important to those living today.

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