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Meeting for Minds

An Alliance of Hope

Recent Donations



114 days ago

Tania Gomm


116 days ago

David, Debbie, Kell, Jase, Soph, Max Rhine


127 days ago

Joseph Ruggero


169 days ago

Nicci Urwin


248 days ago

Deeper research into fields of brain & behavioural science is intrinsic to unravelling the complexities of mental illness which is intertwined by biological, psychological and social factors.

Meeting for Minds seeks to transform the landscape of brain and behavioural science research by fostering collaboration, co-design, and mutual learning between researchers and the PLEX community (People Living with EXperience of mental illness)

Through the SYNERGIES program, we offer a powerful approach to advancing brain research and promoting the development of actionable treatments that are informed by the needs and experiences of individuals with lived experience of mental illness. It brings together

  • an inclusive approach to break down barriers and promote curiosity and understsanding of brain-related issues.
  • strong advocacy for PLEX involvement in research, recognising the valuable insights and perspectives they bring to the table to enable meaningful collaboration.
  • real-world impact that ensures research efforts translate into tangible benefits for PLEX in understanding and addressing brain-related issues.

Your support will take the SYNERGIES program from a pilot to an intrinsic part of research into the fields of brain and behavioural science that values insights of lived experience and the revelations of scientific process.


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Unit 6 25 St Leonards Street

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