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Native Animal Trust Fund Inc

Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation

The Native Animal Trust Fund Inc. (NATF) Wildlife Rescue Service has an established network of volunteers who rescue, rehabilitate and release all sick, injured and orphaned native fauna in the Hunter. In addition NATF Wildlife Rescue Service provides a 24 hour 7 day a week emergency phone service and disaster relief for fauna affected by bushfires, floods, storms, heat stress or oil spills.

Our 24 hour 7 day a week emergency phone service is utilised by the general public, veterinarians, councils, emergency services and National Parks and Wildlife Service. Each month this service receives up to 1000 wildlife calls for assistance, in addition to daily vet collections.

The NATF Wildlife Rescue Service was the first volunteer wildlife rescue group to operate in NSW. Established in 1978 it operates throughout Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Cessnock, Maitland, Port Stephens, Southern Dungog and Southern Great Lakes local government areas.

We are seeking donations to help fund the operating costs to ensure the continued work of NATF in facilitating the rescue and rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned native fauna in the Hunter.

How will the funds be used?

Operating costs include vet bills, phones, insurances, accountant, postage, stationary and other wildlife expenses.

When you call the emergency phone service on 0418 NATIVE / 0418 628 483 an experienced operator will refer you to our rescue volunteers in the area. The sick, injured or orphaned fauna is then taken to a veterinary clinic to be checked. Pending injuries sustained the fauna will be taken to our experienced rehabilitation volunteer who specialises in that species until it can be released back into the wild.

NATF Wildlife Rescue Service relies solely on donations, membership fees and fundraising. All fauna food and husbandry costs are paid by our extremely dedicated volunteers. Without public support the NATF Wildlife Rescue Service would not be able to continue this successful work.

Contact Details

PO Box 17

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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