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The Order of St Philip Incorporated

The Order of St Philip

Jesus Christ did everything necessary for you to enjoy God's friendship forever. He lived a perfect life that we could not live, living up to God's standard. He suffered death on a cross and paid for all of our sins, so God can completely forgive us and accept us. On the third day he rose from the tomb in a transformed body and was seen by hundreds of witnesses over several weeks. He returned to heaven and gave the Holy Spirit to all of his followers.

The risen Jesus gives evangelists as a gift to churches to preach the Gospel and to equip members to make disciples. (Ephesians 4:11-12 Jesus gave 'some to be prepare God's people for works of service...')

The Order of St Philip activates evangelists globally. Our Rule of Life enables evangelists to better fulfil their calling from God. (We also offer a shorter Rule of Life suitable for every person who follows Jesus.)

Your donation will fund the training of new diverse groups of evangelists in Australia, in the Pacific Islands and around the world.

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PO Box 122


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