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Outward Bound Australia

Australian Outward Bound Development Fund Appeal

Your support enables Outward Bound to deliver adventure learning programs for a range of people experiencing disadvantage.

Focusing on outdoor education, adventure, and personal development, Outward Bound programs challenge participants physically, mentally, and emotionally, helping them develop leadership skills, teamwork, resilience, and a deeper understanding of themselves and their capabilities. 

With your help, we can deliver programs to a:

  • young person experiencing social, economic or educational disadvantage
  • woman seeking to rebuild their life after domestic violence
  • young person experiencing homelessness
  • newly arrived Australian working through their historic trauma
  • young person living with family mental ill-health
  • partially sighted young person about to leave home for their first job or tertiary education
  • drug and alcohol affected adult seeking recovery

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Outward Bound Australia 35 Naas Road


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