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The Peter Cullen Water and Environment Trust

The Peter Cullen Water and Environment Trust

Who was Peter Cullen?

Professor Peter Cullen AO was one of Australia’s most renowned scientists, particularly in the field of water and natural resource management.  He was known for his ability to communicate complex science – he could explain systems approaches to environmental management in accessible ways to all in society, from the Prime Minister to community members living by our rivers. He greatly affected water and environmental policy in all tiers of government, by strong and effective leadership and accessible and evidence based science communication. 

In 2009, one year after Peter passed away, the Peter Cullen Trust was established in his legacy – to enhance the links between good science and effective policy making – both of which require effective leadership and communication skills  – bringing science to life and making it relevant for politicians and policy makers.

What does the Trust do?

The Trust continues Peter's work through funding and facilitating transformational programs for Australia’s future water and environment leaders to develop their leadership capabilities, communication skills and ability to drive change. The Program is designed to have transformational, sustainable impact; not just temporary inspiration.

Our highly regarded programs:

  • transforms participant thinking and improves their individual effectiveness in a team;
  • provides practical tools and insights to inspire action for positive change;
    develops insight, knowledge and critical thinking skills around flexible and adaptive leadership styles;
  • connects participants with others who value life-long learning in a national network of supportive peers.

What would my donation be used for:

All donations enable the Peter Cullen Trust to offer a number of scholarships across its programs each year to enable individuals the opportunity to participate on the Science to Policy and Women in Water Leadership Programs.

Contact Details

Building 15, Werocata St

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