Imagine having to part with your pet, your best friend, because you feel you can no longer care for them properly. This is the situation for so many older, unwell, or disabled people who are unable to walk their dog or struggle to take their pets the vet or groomer. And this is where POOPS WA and our super-hero volunteers come to the rescue!

POOPS is all about keeping pets with their people. We believe that no-one should be denied the companionship of a pet because of their age, disability or poor health. We also believe that all pets deserve the best lives they can possibly have.  

“My dog is the only reason I get up some mornings. Knowing I have my volunteer from POOPS to help walk him and take him to the groomers or the vet for me. That’s just so nice to know, so reassuring that I have that help. And my two volunteers have become friends…sometimes we just sit and chat after they bring him back.” …from one of our lovely pet owners. 

And another:

“I think the whole concept of POOPS is marvelous and I know there are many people, particularly older people, who live for their dogs. As long as the dogs are taken care of that’s their main worry.” 

We are a WA not-for-profit organisation that provides volunteer pet assistance for elderly, often socially isolated people who can’t afford to pay a dog walker or find someone to take their pet to the vet or groomer.

POOPS WA currently covers most of the metro area and has a great community team in Busselton. Run entirely by teams of dedicated volunteers, we rely on individual and corporate generosity to keep this much-needed community service thriving and growing to meet the increasing demand.

A small donation can make a BIG difference!

We have no paid administrative staff at POOPS. Our Management Committee and admin teams give freely of our time, skills, and experience. But running any service is not 'free' and all funds you donate help us to cover our running costs and keep all our services free to clients.

You can make a single donation or a regular donation… we’re so grateful for any help you can give us to support the quality of life for of our clients and their pets.

A single donation of $70 or just $5.80 a month helps us support one client AND their furry friend for a WHOLE YEAR!

If you would like to become a POOPS WA volunteer and can committ to regular dogwalking or other admin duties please check out our website: 


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