The purpose of Riding for Disabled Association of Queensland (RDAQ) is to assist people with disabilities to access the benefits that can be accrued from contact with horses, participation in horse riding and involvement in physical activity, sport and therapeutic programs.

RDAQ is the State Administrative and Coaching Regulatory body for regional RDA centres throughout Queensland. Our role is to support these RDA centres through the education of specialised coaches and volunteers; assist in the development of new centres and to provide equipment to existing centres.

Currently our centres are working to capacity - we require many more trained coaches and volunteers as well as more and better equipped centres across the state.  Our aim is to enable more people with disabilities to ride and drive with Riding for the Disabled.

Help us to make their dream a reality.

How will the Funds be used?

To purchase equipment for centres, train coaches and volunteers and support the opening of new centres throughout Qld.

Key Areas of Expenditure

  • Provide coach and volunteer training workshops throughout Qld
  • Promote and support new and existing RDA centres
  • Purchasing equipment for centres

Contact Details

18 Honeymyrtle St

(07) 3888 5277

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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