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Public Education Foundation Ltd

Public Education Foundation Scholarships

The Public Education Foundation's scholarships address particular areas of need to help students overcome barriers to achievement created by social and economic disadvantage.  

  • A gift of $25 can help buy a textbook so a child can learn better and be able to study at home
  • A gift of $60 can help fund an excursion so a child does not feel left out. 
  • A gift of $150 can help buy a set of clean, well-fitting uniforms because children typically outgrow them each year.
  • A gift of $299 can help buy a refurbished laptop & licensed software because students need one of their own to participate in compulsory learning activities. 
  • A gift of $700 can fund broadband access for a year since much learning nowadays is dependent on a reliable Internet connection. 
  • A gift of $2,500 can provide substantial tutorial support to refugee students who often need intensive English lessons. 

Help us give students in public education every opportunity. All donations of $2 and above are tax-deductible. At PEF, we ensure that no more than 12% of your gift goes towards administrative expenses. 

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Contact Details

105 Phillip Street

(02) 7814 2806

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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