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Qld Association of School Tuckshops

Queensland Association of School Tuckshops

As a membership based organisation, the Queensland Association of School Tuckshops fully understands the needs of convenors, P&C members and business managers and we know that it's an ever continuing challenge to manage a school tuckshop. The tuckshop plays a very important role in the school community. QAST understands the hard work that is needed to meet the demands of running a school foodservice and fulfilling this role. Tuckshops have changed so much over the years and, as the industry's Association in Queensland, QAST has embraced these changes to make sure we can always offer the best support and up-to-date information available. QAST members benefit from the wealth of experience of its management committee and quality services delivered by industry professionals. Canteen Managers on the management committee provide invaluable first-hand insight into current issues, and assist in understanding and managing such issues. Staff who deliver services to our members have expertise in tuckshop management, food technology, nutrition and working with parent groups and other key stakeholders within communities

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PO Box 1756

07 33241511

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