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Ryder-Cheshire Australia

Australian Ryder-Cheshire Overseas Aid Fund

 Ryder-Cheshire Australia is now raising funds to sponsor individual residents and patients at Raphael, the Ryder-Cheshire Home in India, and the health and disability programs at Klibur Domin, the Ryder-Cheshire Home in Timor-Leste.

The cost of a full sponsorship is $1 per day, or $365 pa, but any amount is welcome. This money is a contribution towards food, accommodation, and medical care. Details of the patients, residents and programs being sponsored are provided twice annually to sponsors.

Every dollar of sponsorships and donations received by Ryder-Cheshire Australia reaches the people who are sick and disabled, in our Homes.


100% of all funds donated to Ryder-Cheshire Australia reaches the people who are sick and disabled, in our Homes.

What we do
Ryder-Cheshire Australia, is dedicated to the relief of suffering among people who are sick, disabled and destitute, without regard to race, religion, age or gender

Run entirely by volunteers, there are Foundations in NSW, SA and Victoria with Support Groups in Ballarat and Bendigo.

Key Areas of Expenditure
Support for a Home at Dehra Dun, Raphael, in northern India, which provides residential care for 120 people with chronic diseases and disabilities, a special education program for residents and day scholars with learning disabilities, and a tuberculosis hospital, for the detection, control and treatment of TB. There is also a community-based rehabilitation outreach program for children with disabilities, in rural villages.
Support for a Home in Timor-Leste, Klibur Domin, which looks after fifty low dependency patients to help reduce the overcrowding in Dili Hospital. The facility also cares for malnourished children, people with tuberculosis and other chronic illness, and those awaiting and recovering from surgery. It provides permanent accommodation for five students with disabilities to enable them to attend a local school and complete their education.

Additional special projects which Klibur Domin provides:

  • A rehabilitation program for post-surgical patients.
  • A mobile TB Unit.
  • Community based rehabilitation outreach for children with disabilities in rural villages.


When filling in your details, under Optional Information:
Please tick “Leave a message why this donation is special to you.”
Then click “Other” and designate where you wish your donation to go:
Raphael, India or Klibur Domin, Timor-Leste 

Contact Details

5 Otway Street South

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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