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Stepping Out Program

Childhood sexual abuse and trauma donations

'By investing in Stepping Out, you could end years of silence for a survivor of childhood sexual abuse'

  • Your donation will help us address social isolation, a significant barrier for CSA survivors due to their childhood trauma. 
  • Your $50 donation will cover the cost of a survivor attending Trauma Sensitive Yoga for 2 weeks
  • Your $100 donation will cover the cost of a survivor attending Trauma Sensitive Yoga and social activities for a month 

Statistics show that 1 in 6 women have been sexually abused as children.

The impact on the life of a survivor of CSA can be severe and long-lasting, they can experience depression, PTSD and attachment disorder due to the effects of their childhood trauma.

Social Isolation is a huge barrier for survivors, reducing their ability to interact with the community. 

Stepping Out runs free weekly programs to address social isolation providing an opportunity to meet in a safe and supported environment with a small group of other survivors. Including:

·         Trauma Sensitive Yoga – held fortnightly

·         Creative activities

·         Visits to exhibitions.

·         Always includes a healthy lunch

Trauma Sensitive Yoga focuses on Mind and Body connection, facilitated by a trauma yoga specialist and held fortnightly exclusively for CSA survivors.


Your donation will help us to continue these important free programs addressing the effects of CSA and increase the ability for a CSA Survivor to live in the community.

Thank you for your support

Contact us on 0455 265 241 for more information.


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Contact Details

Stepping Out Program PO Box 507

0455 265 241

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