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National Trust of Australia (Victoria)

St Mary Star of the Sea Restoration Appeal

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Lester Nazareth


224 days ago

Lester Nazareth


454 days ago

Choy Leng Koh


928 days ago

St Mary Star of the Sea, built in the 1890’s, is a stunning Latin Cross French Gothic-style Church. Constructed with sandstone and limestone, this precious piece of Catholic history is graced with an Italian Baroque interior. The original features of the Church can be seen in the intricate stained-glass windows, marble and elaborate timber panelling. The internal structure with its striking and unique fittings have been restored to full grandeur. However, urgent funding is required to repair the slate roof, its vertical elements and some of the exterior façade. St Mary Star of the Sea is of architectural, historical and cultural significance to Melbourne and is a living testament of a vivid and active Church to its faithful Catholics. Since 2001, the parish has been entrusted to the pastoral care of the priests of Opus Dei.



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