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SYN Media - Student Youth Network Inc

Donate to SYN FM

SYN is a community radio station run by a thriving community of young people aged 12-25 that provides training and broadcast opportunities for young Australians. 
More than 5000 young people engage in SYN's volunteer and training activities per year, allowing SYN to operate a 24-hour broadcast radio channel on 90.7FM and produce a range of online audio, video and written media distributed via

We need your help to continue doing what we do best: engaging the youth community and making innovative media that offers a real alternative to mainstream media. Make a donation today!

Maybe you're an alumni with a fancy job thanks to the skills developed and nurtured at SYN, maybe you're a current SYNner who wants to go the extra mile in supporting your community, or maybe you're the kind of person who believes young people should have a voice! Whoever you are, why not support SYN by

- Giving a regular monthly donation;

- Giving a one-off donation; or

- Leaving a bequest to SYN?

Young people who work with SYN experience increased confidence, employability and social skills, and 94% of SYN alumni and volunteers would reccomend SYN to a friend. So of course we want to share that goodness around! We want to go further and work with more young people - with your help!
Your donation will support SYN to upskill and empower more young Australians through broadcast and training opportunities. Your support directly supports young people to create more, innovate further and have their voices heard!

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Contact Details

RMIT Building 12, Level 3, Room 97, 402 Swanston Street

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