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Tennant Creek Women's Refuge Inc

Samone Sallik

We are located in Tennant Creek and provide crisis accommodation, support, referrals and counselling for women and children who are victims of or at risk of Domestic and family Violence.

Our client group are extremely disadvantaged women and children . 98% of our clients are aboriginal women and their children. They are effected by Intergenerational trauma ,poverty, violence , and often have extremely complex needs, mental health issues, other medical needs, live in overcrowded houses or may be living rough.

We are the only crisis accommodation service for women and children- there are no hostels, boarding houses or other affordable accommodation options and our clients may have extremely long waits - up to 10 years to access public housing.

This region is characterised by vast distances, few resources and limited services.

We are a small NGO heavily reliant on government funding and seeking donations to ensure ongoing viability and flexible response to our client group.


Contact Details

P O Box 754


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