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The Light Co.

TLC General Appeal

The Light Co. (TLC) aims to unleash the extraordinary potential of theatre to assist people in crisis take back creative control of their life narrative.  We do this by conducting unique and interactive events that create a 'risk-attractive' safe space where participants can re-examine and re-work actual life experiences.  The subconscious, 'invisible' influences inhibiting personal fulfilment are made 'visible', through performance procedures that enable self-reflection, critical judgement and the creation of 'alternatives'.  This promotes emotional resilience by enhancing a person's belief in their own competence for managing crisis responses, thereby transforming challenges into opportunities for personal growth.

"Theatre was born when the human being discovers that it can observe itself; when it discovers that it can 'see itself' seeing. Observing itself, the human being perceives what it is, discovers what it is not and imagines what it could become."
~ Augusto Boal

Originally established in Tokyo Japan, TLC has toured internationally over the last 20 years exploring existential themes significant to the contemporary polemic of the time.  At the core of our work is the exploration and critical analysis of a simple but profound hypothesis.  We call it our 'Prime Directive':

Subjective experiences and emotional memories are accessed via thoughts. If my thought about a person / thing / event creates my experience of it, then I am the agent to change my experience.

Our ultimate goal is a world where no one is a victim, where everyone has the capacity to be their own creative director and is confident in their own competence to perform life.

All donations are highly valued and very much appreciated.


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16 Albatross St

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