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The Venny Inc

The Venny Inc.

With a site close to the Kensington highrise public housing estate, and pop up play on other estates, the Venny provides a "supervised backyard" and safe haven for at risk 5 to 16 year olds. It delivers a diverse range of early intervention and diverse programs that build childrens' reslience. With this support, children are able to maintain their engagement in education, form stable relationships and develop positive community connections. 

Our Mission: 

Breaking the cycle of disadvantage by supporting children to be their best through play, education, guidance and early interventions. 

Our Model: Hands, Heart and Home. 

Hands of Help:
We support children and families. We help fill gaps in systems when they appear. We connect with community schools, support agencies and families to provide wrap-around care. This can include practical assistance such as food securtity, education and health. 

Heart of Playwork: 
Play is at the heart of what we do. We have been providing risk taking play opportunities and devleoping our own practice for over forty years. Our practice is based on playwork principles and our staff and our staff are Playworkers. Play is our daily practice. 

Home for Children: 
We are the backyard for public housing and we welcome the whole community. We provide the rhythms and rituals of a home. Our home contains trees, a permaculture vegetable garden, animals, a fire and plenty of play opportunities. The Venny has been built with and by the community. 



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85 Kensington Road


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