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The Tree Project

Re-Tree Scheme

We know that undertaking a revegetation project can be a huge job, and is usually left to rural landholders to do on their own.

The Re-Tree Scheme, in recognition of this good work, aims to assist Victorian landholders undertake revegetation projects by involving hundreds of urban volunteers in growing and planting indigenous seedlings for local projects across Victoria.

This not only helps out rural landholders, but promotes a better understanding of revegetation and farming issues to our volunteers. It builds links between the urban and rural people who work together on the serious land management issues that affect all of us, whether we live in the country or city.

How will the funds be used?

Through The Re-Tree Scheme, Landholders and Landcare groups can order low cost tube-stock of locally indigenous seedlings for their revegetation programs. The Re-Tree Scheme creates opportunities for people to help restore native bushland in the suburbs as well as in the country, by growing and planting trees, collecting seed and other related activities. The Re-Tree Scheme promotes a better understanding of the importance of retaining and regenerating local native species, and of their crucial role in soil, water, air and habitat preservation.

Key Areas of Expenditure

Growing kit supplies
Generating volunteer and community support.
Landholder recruitment

Contact Details

Level 3, Ross House 247 Flinders Lane

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